
GEM summer workshop offers student-focus activities such as Student Tutorial Day, the GEMEE program, and Student Poster Awards, to built to help students grow in their presentation skills, to receive mentoring, and to assist in growing their scientific network. Thanks to the NSF’s financial support, GEM is able to provide financial assistance to a good number of students to attend GEM workshop. As the generous support is limited, so students must apply for financial assistance.
There are many fun events just for the students at GEM. This year, it will start with student day on Sunday, June 23rd. We will have student tutorials in the following subjects:
- Fundamentals of Plasma Physics & Magnetosphere
- Dayside Magnetosphere
- Nightside Magnetosphere
- Inner Magnetosphere
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Global System Modeling
- Data Science
- Space Weather
- Tutorial Posters
If you are interested in giving one of the tutorials or volunteering during sessions throughout the week, please fill out the student volunteer form. Presenters of student tutorials will receive GEM participants financial aid.
There are student events throughout the week, such as the Monday career panel / student dinner, the student-invited plenary, the Tuesday student lunch & student representative interviews, and poster sessions and student poster awards. Please refer to the full schedule to find out the time and locations of all events.
If you are interested in running for student representative and want more details of the duties of a student rep., please reach out to current student representatives Austin or Erika.
To sign up for the student email list fill out this form.
To join the student discord follow this link.
For more information, please visit the student wiki page.