FG: Magnetospheric Sources of Particle Precipitation and Their Role on Electrodynamic Coupling of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Systems

Dates: 2022 – 2026
Leaders: Doğacan Su Öztürk — University of Alaska Fairbanks, 📨 to Doğa, Dong Lin — High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 📨 to Dong, Yiqun Yu — Beihang University, Katherine Garcia-Sage — NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Stephen Kaeppler — Clemson University
Research Area: Primary – MIC, Secondary – GSM

Topic Description

The particles precipitating from the magnetosphere play an important role in the determination and modelling of ionospheric electrodynamics, especially conductance which modulates the magnetosphere’s response to the solar wind. Precipitation of magnetospheric particles and their energy deposition in the Earth’s upper atmosphere depend on a number of parameters including, but not limited to, their magnetospheric origin, energy range, flux, auroral display, spatiotemporal scale, etc. As a result, the ionospheric conductance can be modified in various ways further affecting the plasma convection, field-aligned (FAC) and ionospheric currents, and ionospheric/thermospheric temperature and densities. Therefore, understanding the properties of different sources of magnetospheric precipitation and their relative roles in the electrodynamic coupling of M-I across a broad range of spatiotemporal scales is crucial for improving predictive modelling capabilities. This broad topic necessitates the existence of a designated GEM focus group to achieve a community-wide collaboration.

Goals: To advance the physical knowledge and improve the numerical modelling of

  • The magnetospheric particle precipitation (precipitation mechanism and characteristics, magnetospheric origin, auroral forms).
  • The effects of particle precipitation on the ionospheric electrodynamics, with an emphasis on the ionospheric conductance.
  • Response of the I-T system to precipitation and its feedback to the Magnetosphere.

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